Ginseng – Prized Root of the East

For thousands of years the Chinese have credited ginseng as the “king of the herbs”, believing it to be good for everything from sex problems to terminal diseases! Its botanical name Panax is derived from the Greek word panakos, a panacea, in reference to the miraculous virtue ascribed to it by the Chinese.

The History of Ginseng

Ginseng Root

During various periods of Chinese history, ginseng was worth more than gold. Physicians used it only in their very best prescriptions and sometimes an emperor would send a few grams to a distinguished friend who was suffering from a serious ailment that had not responded to other medications. 

Over the years, many missionaries, old-time family physicians, writers and others tried to stimulate an interest in the oriental usage of ginseng. Extensive research on ginseng by modern scientists in countries such as Russia, Korea, Japan and others, has revealed that many of the Chinese claims for the therapeutic power of ginseng root are true.

The Benefits of Ginseng

As a result of these studies, it has been established that hormone-like substances in the root are responsible for its stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is reported that ginseng is a normaliser of many body functions, including the endocrine glands and it has aphrodisiac power (sex-stimulating), making it beneficial in the treatment of sexual impotence in men. It assists the work of the brain cells, improving concentration/endurance and increasing vitality/physical performance, and is most effective in cases of depression, especially when caused by debility, weakness and/or exhaustion.

How to Consume Ginseng

Unfortunately, the fame of ginseng has often led to misconceptions about its use, consequently responsible for low grade or adulterated products. In China, ginseng is rarely used on its own but is often combined with Royal Jelly, which strengthens its powerful action. Freshly collected Royal Jelly is immediately processed and compounded with the root of ginseng in a convenient capsule. Many taking these capsules, once or twice daily, claim it to be the best aphrodisiac, rejuvenator and re-activator. No wonder this root is such a valuable commodity!

Find out more about the medicinal benefits of Ginseng and other herbs through enrolling in our Online Herbal Medicine Course today!

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