Short Herbal Medicine Course Online

See what our past students say about our online herbal medicine training.

I saw the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the internet. I found the course was well organised, all  subjects were interesting, informative, easy to follow, and relevant to me.  The herbal medicine course met my needs.

Trina (SA)

“This was an enjoyable and informative course. I recommend buying all the lessons up front for the best price. I honestly feel this course is for all learning capabilities.”

Rikki (QLD)

“I was looking for online courses and came across your website and found it to be a well-structured website. The course was easy to follow, easy to understand and all subjects were interesting and informative. I am happy with my experience in doing this course.”

Cody (NSW)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was well organised, easy to follow and all subjects were interesting and informative. Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed learning about herbs.

Kimberley (New Zealand)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course and my thirst for knowledge on this subject left me wanting more. The way it was set up really helped me absorb the information I was given completely. I feel more confident now and I find myself discussing everything I’ve learned with my family with keen interest. Thank you Hilde for putting this together.”

Suzana (NSW)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online and the 12- lesson course met my needs. The study material was well organised, all subjects were interesting, informative, and relevant to me.”

Julie (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The lessons were interesting, informative and well organised. It is a great course for an introduction to herbology. Fantastic that I could do it at my own pace, in amongst fulltime work. Leaving me wanting to do more study!

Emma (QLD)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the Internet. The course was interesting, well organised, and easy to follow. All is informative and eye opening in many areas … it did leave me with a thirst for more study.

Jennifer (QLD)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was well organised, easy to follow and the subjects were interesting and informative. The 12 lesson course is perfect!

Mariam (NSW)

“I loved this course, it is an eye opener, it taught me so many new things and also confirmed my thoughts on certain topics. I would recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in herbs and the effects they can have on our body and for those interested in a natural approach to healing.

Sabrina (QLD)

“I thought the course was perfect! The knowledge I’ve gathered from doing this course has improved my own life, health and wellbeing, I’ve not taken any pharma meds for two months and I’m the best I’ve been in years.

Jo (WA)

“I really enjoyed this course as the subjects were interesting and informative. It was a great introduction to Herbal Medicines. Overall, I loved the flexibility of it that I could do it at my own speed while working full time. Thank you!”

Michelle (NSW)

“I really enjoyed this course as it was well organised and easy to follow. It has further fuelled my interest in herbalism, was easy to follow, and very informative. I cannot wait to put what I have learnt into practice. Highly recommend.”

Melinda (VIC)

This is a fantastic introduction on how the use of herbs and a healthy lifestyle can benefit everyone. There are a lot of different companies offering courses on the uses of herbs and wellness and I am so glad that I chose the Australian School of Herbal Medicine.”

Daniel (SA)

“A friend recommended the course.

It’s a great introduction to Herbal Medicine, clear, concise and inspirational. Thank you so much, I enjoyed the course, and I had quite a lot of aha moments and the course has inspired me to further my studies.”

Fiona (TAS)

“I loved this course! The reading material was straight forward, the quizzes were relevant to the information received. To me the course was Brillant. Thank you so much!”

Sandi (WA)

As a professional yoga instructor, this course was truly eye-opening for me and my viewpoint of holistic health. I learned so much, and I wish to dive deep into the topics at a later stage.

Anant (India)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. It is a Fantastic course … I feel very confident to move forward on my herbal journey.

Deanne (WA)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. In a world with misinformation the knowledge shared has and will stand the test of time. Precious information, that is vital for our community’s health and well-being.”

Kira (NSW)

“This course has definitely given me the wanting to learn more on my journey to being a herbalist. All lessons are interesting, well organised and easy to follow. I loved all of it, thank you so much!”

Bianca (WA)

“This is such a great starting point for people wanting to learn more about herbs and the body’s ability to heal itself. The lessons were very well structured and worded in a way that made it easy to comprehend and follow. This course has been a blessing to me and I’m excited to now use the knowledge I have gained from it. Thank you Hilde!”

Crystal (NSW)

“What an amazing instructor and amazing course, it was well organised and easy to follow. Best introductory course with no stress, self-paced, study from home and pay as you go!”

Tricia (WA)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was well organised and easy to follow and all subjects were interesting and informative. It was an amazing course!

Mona (VIC)

“A friend told me about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine. I found the course was well organised and easy to follow, all the subjects were interesting and informative. The course met my needs… I was happy with everything.”

Lisa (VIC)

“Thank you to Hilde and the team at ASOHM… the course was well organised and easy to follow. I had done personal research into herbal medicine for  years prior to commencing study with ASOHM. The extra knowledge I gained through these 12 courses is so helpful. Now I am one step closer to my dream of bringing herbal remedies to my community.

Ebony (VIC)

“I highly recommend this course in herbalism- it was well organised and easy to follow. The course gives a brief outlook on how the amazing world of herbs can heal the human body and gives additional information on how the body functions in many ways using what nature provides! Thank you ASOHM.

Jackie (NSW)

“I have been using herbs for general good health and wellbeing for many years and have been making my own herbal preparations from home grown herbs. This course has assisted me in learning more about the human anatomy and introduced me to many herbs and their uses that I previously was unaware of. Thank you… I highly recommend this course to people who are interested in taking a more natural approach to their health and wellbeing

Mandy (SA)

“The course was informative, easy to follow with interesting herbs to use for different ailments/symptoms. I love the Herbal Glossary at the rear of lesson 12- enables a student to complete further research on each herb. Thank you 🙂

Lizzy (QLD)

“I loved the course and cannot wait to apply what I have learnt. The course was well organised, easy to follow and all subjects were interesting and informative.

Natasa (SA)

“Thank you so much- I have very much enjoyed this course and look forward to reading the extra booklets. I certainly have found this knowledge to be interesting and helpful. My next phase is to look into how I can apply this to companion animals.

Bronwyn (NSW)

“I was so eager for herbal information that I completed the ASOHM in three to four weeks. I paid for the first three lessons as a precautionary method, but I wish I had just paid for the 12 lessons outright.

The lessons are short but to the point without tiresome word bloat. They are packed with information that I can use as a resource, and to top it off I was gifted two of Hilde’s books at the end. Brilliant!

The blog is super interesting and the tests are multiple choice. If you are a natural healing fan, like me, this course will be effortless for you.

I am looking forward to receiving my certificate.

I’m glad I chose ASOHM… thank you for making herb learning available in Australia.”

Christine (TAS)

“The course is easy to follow, the chapters flow and it is interesting learning about the natural ways illnesses/sickness can be improved by using herbs. Loved the course being online during COVID. If you have a keen interest in your wellbeing or helping others, this course will give you a good outline of what symptoms and remedies to use.”

Jeni (QLD)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised, easy to follow and the subjects were interesting and informative. I loved the easy to understand lessons and how each lesson built on information from the last. It is an informative and instructive course.”

Nancy (QLD)

“An excellent grounding in herbalism. Hilde has compiled her knowledge into clear, helpful chapters that are logical and easy to follow. The website is easy to use and the quizzes help to remind me of the salient points in each chapter. Thank you Hilde and ASOHM. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through the material.”

Abby (SA)

“I had been looking for a structured Herbology course for some time and discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine by accident when researching Hilde Hemmes’ products. This course introduces Herbology nicely, with equal measures of basic human biology, the evolution of disease states, and a guide for selecting herbs for healing. With a very informative history on Herbalism and medicine along with the glossaries on herbs, medical terminology and an overview on the preparation of herbals, this course is ideal for those looking for a structured Herbology study.”

Kim (SA)

“I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was very informative and interesting. Basic knowledge to get started on your journey with healing through herbs… the course was well organised and easy to follow. The topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs.” 

Tracy (SA)

“I loved the content of this course, it was well organised and easy to follow and it has inspired me to further my knowledge on the benefits of amazing herbs. Thank you Hilde for making this learning accessible online.” 

Lydia (QLD)

“Thank you to the Australian School of Herbal Medicine for an incredible foundation herbology course. I have learnt so much that I will apply in my own life, with my children and also within my new business selling herbal teas. It was very easy to understand and I love how you laid it all out within the human body systems so I can refer back to this information easily and when required.

Lucy (SA)

“The course was interesting, informative and well organised. I’m already making herbal tinctures and have found this course so rewarding and complimentary to my Ayurvedic knowledge as a diet and lifestyle consultant! This course is wonderful and so informative. Thank you Hilde!

Julie (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the internet. The course was well organised and easy to follow. After completing this course, I feel my knowledge of herbs has grown due to the detailed information that was offered. I feel confident to incorporate herbs for treatment into my life and my family’s

Janet (QLD)

“What a great short course. The course was easy to understand and one lesson built perfectly on to the next. Great information in setting a strong and useful foundation for using herbs. I’m looking forward to using the information and suggestions for improving my own health and that of my family.

Deb (NSW)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. I absolutely loved this course, it is informative and well researched. A great introduction and it has made me very keen to pursue further learning.

Samantha (VIC)

“Sincerely as a fundamental course, this course does have some very valuable knowledge as points to remember. Yes fundamental it is and very worthy of anyone without any knowledge to gain a basic understanding ready for quest for further study and knowledge attainment and sharing.

Yes I agree most old nanna remedies and folk lore remedies, including natural medicine has been removed from consciousness or minds of people so I do recommend that all people start to take responsibility and learn pathways of natural medicine knowledge to what is appropriate for self so we can assist ourselves and each other. Thank you Hilde… and I really enjoyed taking your course

Kevin (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine Online. It is a great introductory course that is easy to follow and packed with information. The course was well organised and all subjects were interesting and informative. Really enjoyed it, thank you!”

Sharyn (WA)

I heard about Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. I found the course was well organised, easy to read and comprehend. It has given me the appetite to continue on with further study as herbs need to be involved in our future.”

Gaye (SA)

I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The delivery of this course was easy to follow, informative and written in a way that is easily understood. For many years I have wanted to complete a course in herbal medicine and I finally got that chance! Looking forward to seeing where this takes me now and I’m almost 51 years young! Thank you so much!”

Kellie (QLD)

I really enjoyed this course! The content was of high standard and straight to the point. I also particularly liked the aspect that links herbs with spirituality, which is often purposely omitted in other herbal courses. I definitely highly recommend this course. Thank you.”

Alain (QLD)

I really enjoyed the Certificate in Herbal Fundamentals. It was very informative and easy to navigate lessons. There was always support when you needed it. I love having hard copies to read regularly and I now have a wonderful folder made up of the information that I can refer back to at any time!”

Bronwyn (VIC)

This is a great course. I loved it as it was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and the topics covered were relevant to me. I found the course is perfect the way it is set out.”

Maria (NSW)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the internet. The course was well organised, easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. The course is fine the way it is, it met my needs.”

Laura (NSW)

“I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the power of herbs, and helping friends and family along the way. The course was well organised and the subjects were interesting and informative. Thank you for making this course accessible online.”

Jayde (VIC)

“The course was useful and interesting, well organised and easy to follow. It encouraged me to go find more information in order to continue studying. Thank you for the opportunity given to me.”

Hercilia (QLD)

“This is a great course on herbal medicine, which combines basic medical knowledge and a good introduction to western herbal medicine. I really enjoy the course, and thank you, team, for putting it together!”

Haitao (NSW)

“I am finding your course fascinating and very helpful, on a practical level. Thank you very much for making such a course available; it is unique.”

David (QLD)

“Glad I came, Glad I saw, sad to be going. I really enjoyed every lesson and it’s such a beautiful course, easy to understand, just the right length, it fitted into my busy schedule perfectly….give it a go! The best thing was learning what part of the body I loved the most.”

Elissa (NSW)

“When I searched the internet for herbal medicine courses, I came across The Australian School of Herbal Medicine. I found the course was well organised, and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me — the course was very easy to follow and met my needs.”

Kelly (SA)

“When I was a child I would follow my Grandmother around her big garden and she would show me all the plants. She was German/French so Herbalism was something she grew up with too. I have practiced some form of herbalism since then and I’m now in my 40’s and decided I might put my life’s learning into doing this course (my Grandmother was also a big Hilde Hemmes’ fan and Swedish Bitters was well installed in our life!). The course was brilliant, easy to understand and the presentation was simple to follow. I can highly recommend this course to any budding or long-time herbalist, to either refresh or start your learning from the beginning. Thank you.”

Kristy (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Google. The course was well organised, easy to follow and the subjects were interesting and informative. The topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs. I found this course very informative and it certainly sparked my passion for herbs and their role in supporting the vital force of the body. I am excited to start putting my newfound knowledge to use! Thank you.”

Laura (VIC)

“I saw the Australian School of Herbal Medicine advertised on Facebook. I loved this course, I found it very informative & easy to follow. I have been able to use some of the things I have learnt in my own health journey. Absolutely wonderful.”

Anita (SA)

“I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine from a book I own. The course was well organised, easy to follow, subjects were interesting and informative and met my needs. I have thoroughly enjoyed this course – it has given me a greater appreciation for herbs and their ability to support the human body recover from many ailments.”

Kerrie (VIC)

I discovered the Fundamental Herbology course through the Australian School of Herbal Medicine’s Facebook post. I enjoyed every aspect of it and feel it would be great if there was a follow-on course with more in-depth information, but then I guess that would be similar to doing a Diploma!”

Kelly (VIC)

I discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. This course has helped me understand the fundamentals of Herbal Medicine, it was easy to navigate and understand. Thank you.”

Melinda (QLD)

“After doing an online search, I discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine and enrolled in their course, which I thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, the only way it could be improved, is if there was more of it!”

Kylie (VIC)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The information kept me interested and engaged – so much so that I completed all 12 lessons in less than a month! I am certain that I will use many of the herbs and remedies in this course for years to come.”

Jane (QLD)

“The course was well organised, easy to follow and very informative. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Herbology.”

Jeka (VIC)

“The course was amazing! So much information and explained in such a way that was easy to understand! I’m so grateful I did it as I have learned an incredible amount about Herbalism and the human body! Thank you kindly!”

Josh (QLD)

This course was extremely easy to follow and was very informative, I wanted to have more knowledge on the topic before further study and this definitely helped and has me very enthusiastic about herbalism. I definitely recommend it.”

Tia (SA)

I found the course to be very informative and well suited to anyone interested in natural health and growing a stronger understanding of the role that herbs have in the health and maintenance of your bodies and everyday life. The course was well organised and the topics covered were relevant to me.

Daniel (SA)

Thank you for providing an accessible course that is easy to follow. Great information and I look forward to applying it in my daily life to treat myself and others.

Jay (NSW)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was easy to follow, the subjects were interesting with well-organised information, and the topics covered were relevant to me.

Jelena (VIC)

The course was very informative, well organised and easy to follow.  I thoroughly enjoyed it as the topics covered were relevant to me. I gained a lot of knowledge in the 12 well set out lessons. Thank you.

Janelle (NSW)

“I thoroughly enjoyed The Fundamentals of Herbal Medicine Course! The course was well organised and easy to follow, it has not only expanded my knowledge of the world of herbs and their use for health and well-being, but has also opened my eyes to the natural and wondrous processes of our bodies.

This course has shown me how we, when we listen to our body, mind, and spirit, providing it with nourishment and care, can make a positive change to our health, happiness, spirit, and planet. Thank you so much!”

Stephanie (QLD)

I’ve just finished the course and wanted to thank you for a most enjoyable and fascinating learning experience. The subjects were interesting and informative and the  topics covered were relevant to me.  I felt well supported by the school each step of the course and appreciated the encouragement and feedback that was given me.”

Pieta (VIC)

“I have been very happy with the layout of this course. As a busy mum, worker and student it has been fundamental for me to choose a course with no deadlines. Hilde, although online, comes across to me as a very knowledgeable caring person and is always there to solve any problem or glitch. All topics were relevant to me.

As a plant lover, I have thoroughly enjoyed this foundation course, it has expanded my knowledge on herbalism and prompted me to look into this field more. The course was nicely structured and beautifully paced, there was no pressure from any deadlines which can be quite tricky as a worker and parent.”

Katya (VIC)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Course. I found it extremely informative, and I feel I have much better foundational knowledge of how the Body works in addition to better knowledge of herbs and herbal remedies. I would highly recommend the course to others as an excellent foundation that also allows one to begin applying the new found knowledge.”

Regina (VIC)

“Thank you so much for providing such a fantastic well rounded course! I really enjoyed everything inc. the information, the fact that it was easily digestible and achievable, and the format was easy to use. I have had a great experience, so I really want to express my gratitude!”

Jordan (NSW)

I thoroughly enjoyed the self-paced no pressure course. I learnt a fair few herby things and found the contents quite interesting. The course was well organised, easy to follow and subjects were informative. The course met my needs and I’m happy that I did the course, money spent well.”

Helen (VIC)

“Thanks for creating such a fabulous course Hilde. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the herbal medicines. I realise that I have so much more to learn.”

Karen (NSW)

“I enjoyed the course as it was the first time I had studied anything like this and it has encouraged me to want to learn more. The subjects were interesting and informative, the topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs. The course was well organised and easy to follow.”

Cheryl (SA)

I found the course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and the topics covered were relevant to me. I can’t see room for improvement as the course was great. I could go at my own pace — VERY informative — I loved it.

 Hannah (SA)

“This course is amazing!  It was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were very interesting, informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. Not only did I learn a lot, I had fun doing it. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Herbology!”

Stephanie (QLD)

Thank you so much — I finished your Certificate in Fundamental Herbology a few months ago. It was a great pleasure to learn about herbs, especially in relation to the different systems in the body. Next year I plan to start a degree in Herbal Medicine.”

Sonya (VIC)

“Thank you for such a wonderful and informative course! I am grateful to have found ASOHM – I found your course to be very fulfilling and informative thank you again.  Awesome!”

Tayla (QLD)

It was amazing for me to come across this field, this course opened my eyes to a new world about health and well-being, very interesting and easy to manage too. It took me less than the time I was expecting to complete this course. I would like to thank you the founder of this course and encourage anyone to pursue this subject as at first it will benefit yourself so good luck to anyone who would like to study in this field:) thank you very much.

Ehsan (VIC)

Very informative course! I found it easy to follow and well organised. The topics covered were relevant to me, and the course met my overall needs and expectations. Look forward to utilising the information I have learnt in the future!

Ruby (NSW)

Thank you Hilde and ASOHM for this informative course. It was easy to navigate, it gave me a good intro level overview of Herbal Medicine, and has helped further ignite my passion for herbs! The course is great, well organised, easy to follow, the subjects were interesting, informative and met my needs.

Kristy (QLD)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting, informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. This was a great theory course and I learnt a great deal about the different body systems and how different herbs could be used for different conditions of the body. Thank you for a great introduction.”

Michelle (NSW)

The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. I loved the information on herbs and how to use them, I’m hoping that I would be able to sell the teas and books on my website.

Dianne (NSW)

“I would recommend this course for anyone interested in the fascinating world of herbs. The course covers a lot of interesting and informative material as well as opening my mind further to a different and time tested method of assisting the body to heal. The course was well organised, easy to follow and met my needs. Thank you Hilde.”

Sandra (WA)

Loved the course and will be recommending it to all our customers! We have been admiring you for years and now we can be a lot more confident in recommending different herbal teas and creams.

Annie (WA)

Great news, I received my certificate and booklet in the mail today. I am so excited to continue my health journey with all the amazing knowledge I have gleaned from your course.

Tania (QLD)

“This course was great as an Accessible and Easy to follow and No pressure Foundation to Herbalism. I loved Hilde’s encouraging emails after each quiz and only wished it didn’t have to end. I was able to do the Course completely at my own pace which it was made it possible at all with a small baby and other children. Really enjoyed the accessibility of the course.

Amanda (NSW)

“I really recommend this to anyone and everyone. Thorough, enjoyable and really rewarding by the end! During the course I even learnt to fix up a skin condition that my doctors couldn’t fix for a year. I have a good understanding now of how our body works and how much our diet impacts our overall health. Thank you so much!! Sad to say goodbye!

Isabel (QLD)

“I found the course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative, and topics covered were relevant to me.

I loved it, easy to read, great subjects.”

Rhonda (QLD)

“Dear Hilde,

I would love to say Thank you for the Certificate of Fundamental Herbology. The information was very interesting, structured and easy to understand for me, as English is my second language. I fell in love learning about benefits and effects of herbs on the human body. I tried many of your wonderful herbal teas and now it is part of our family. Thank you for creating such a unique course.

Alina (SA)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. The topics covered were relevant to me, very informative for those beginning their herbal path.

Viv (QLD)

“Really enjoyed the course and it will definitely help me in both my private and work life. Thanks

Sacha (NSW)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. It was exactly as advertised and full of information in an easy to understand and assimilate format. Very enjoyable!

Janette (SA)

“Thank you for the informative course. I found the course interesting and informative and has already influenced my daily life in a positive manner.

Nicole (VIC)

“I really enjoyed completing the course. The course has given me the fundamentals to pursue further study on the subject.

Milena (VIC)

“This is a great introduction into the world of Herbal Medicine. It is insane that this course and the knowledge of Natural Medicine isn’t being taught to all Children in all Schools as a normal subject. Not only as a way in which to prevent most common diseases, but also as a very important re-connection process of awareness, raising consciousness and to open our eyes collectively to the abundant intelligence and healing power of this beautiful natural living organism in space, our home, Mother Earth.

David (NSW)

Having worked in a Health Food Shop in the 1990’s and being familiar with your products, I was very interested in doing this course. I found it exciting, just what I needed to help with well-being, thoroughly enjoyed doing the reading, answering the questions and will definitely be recommending the course to friends and family.

Ruth (NSW)

“Great introduction course! Your content is very well written and quite intriguing. I love that there’s ample time to complete it, as the pace of your own lifestyle may change. I love your work, you’ve taught me a lot through this method and made it very easy. Thank you very much!

Tessa (VIC)

“I have nothing to say other than thank you!

I am grateful that I found a teacher who has provided the knowledge that I feel as though we were all owed, growing up and going through school, but which is not presented to us. Thank you.”

Clare (NSW)

“The best decision I ever made! The course was very easy to follow. Being able to complete it at my discretion was integral as a single mother and mature aged student. There will come a time when modern medicine will fail and Herbal Medicine will prevail.”

Eugenia (VIC)

“Love everything this course and school stands for thank you so much for spreading the herbal message. At no time throughout this course was I confused or searching for a clearer more developed answer. It’s all there in the reading. Keep doing what you’re doing! God bless.”

Steve (New York, USA)

“I have really enjoyed furthering my interest in natural therapies and feel I have a sound basis of knowledge on the subject.”

Cheryl (SA)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course and it has awakened a passion for nature and medicine alike. The whole procedure form enrolling to downloading the course material and completing the assessments was quick and effortless which only added to the enjoyment of learning.”

Cassie (VIC)

“A brilliant and thorough course on the fundamentals of herbs and the effects on the body, completely loved it and would recommend the course to anyone with a keen interest in herbs. It is fascinating, well researched and a great resource to get started in this field and to go on to further more in depth and practical study.

Zoe (QLD)

“Thank you so kuch Hilde. It was very informative and enjoyable, and the wonderful thing is doing this course has made me believe that I can possibly consider further study in this area.m

Kristin (TAS)

I am really enjoying learning about herbs and the human body. I work as an AIN in aged care and I can see so much benefit herbal treatments could do for residents. It’s just a pity I would not be allowed to use them at my place of work, but I can so much benefit using them at home. I am going to create a herb garden, I have a few herbs but I need to grow some Dandelion, but from what I can gather there are 2 other weeds that look similar to Dandelion so I might have to go to a botanist and buy some Dandelion and start that way. Thanks again!

Diana (QLD)

The course so far has been nothing but rewarding. Looking forward to the few lessons I have left to complete these fundamentals.

The wealth of information I am learning is a necessity where I come from because we have a poor medical system that cannot adequately help our people. People are dying from preventable and curable diseases. So many sufferings from serious chronic diseases so there is a lot to be done here in Papua New Guinea in terms of education and application of herbs as prevention and treatment. Even to be diagnosed correctly by medical practitioners leaves a lot to be desired. I am speaking from personal experience.

We are so blessed with vast forests and yet we don’t have a clue with its plant inhabitants that have the vast potential to our health and well-being. For instance, we have wild yam growing in our yard and didn’t know its many healing properties. So, I have started advising a few friends and family visiting on its properties.

I would like to pursue further advanced diploma training in herbalism together with nutrition. There is opportunity for me to apply for an Australian scholarship to fund this. If you have some advice or any assistance on this please let me know.”

Helen (PNG)

My grandmother was a natural with herbs and I used to enjoy spending time with her – she made potions and skin creams etc and wrote several books on food, herbs, oils etc. She passed away about 9 years ago and I want to learn more about herbal medicine in a structured way. So, these lessons are ideal.”


I just wanted to thank you for all the information you have given me. I find herbalism very interesting and would like to study full time to become an herbalist. I believe totally in this way of living and this course has helped me understand more about it.”

Tanya (QLD)

I really enjoyed doing the course on herbal medicine and looked forward to each lesson. I have found it to be an excellent introduction to the subject and the knowledge acquired could be applied with some confidence, towards advising friends and family of their health.”


“I have enjoyed the course immensely — herbs have always been one of the wonders of nature to me. They are truly blessed plants and deserve love and respect and great delight that they are there.”

Margaret (QLD)

It is a pleasure to do this course. It is just what I’ve been looking for and needing for years. I am approaching this with the faith and trust that God’s remedies really work. My family and I are intending to create a useful herb garden for our own use.”


Thank you for such a brilliant course, I thoroughly enjoyed it once I got into it. I realised it was not hard, I learned a lot about my health issues, I felt it was written just for me. Best regards to you all at Herbal Medicine School.”


“Thank you for the most interesting course. I did an herbal course and a naturopathy course years ago but felt I needed a refresher on herbs. I grow some of my own and would like to make use of them instead of just seeing how beautiful they are. I have learnt a lot more now than I did in those other courses, so thrilled.”

Judy (WA)

It has been a pleasure to learn a bit more about the human body and its problems and how to alleviate its pains and sickness. We are pensioners and may be leaving in a short time back to our country Uruguay, in South America. Most of these herbs are not known there and we would like to take with us some of the rare ones like Epilobium, St John’s wort, Hawthorn and Ginkgo biloba.”

Blas (NSW)

I’d like to say thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to do your course, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be putting my herbal knowledge to good use. Once again thank you very much.”


I would love to say I have enjoyed the course, thank you very much and I hope one day I will meet you in person. Once again thank you heaps!”

Dawn (WA)

“Thank you for the wonderful course — I am enjoying it very much and using the knowledge on family and friends.”

Angela (QLD)

Thank you for the Certificate of Fundamental Herbology — I enjoyed the course and thank you for each lesson. It is always nice to meet people personally, but the availability of the course at least ensures that distance and absence are no barrier to the gaining of knowledge.”

Dorothy (VIC)

Thank you for the certificate in Fundamental Herbology — the course was informative and enjoyable. My reasons for taking the course were because of my longstanding interest in herbs and my desire to know more to be of help to my family and myself.”

Thelma (QLD)

Thank you for welcoming me to your herbal fraternity when you posted the certificate in Fundamental Herbology.

My interest has increased in seeing types of herbs I am growing in my garden and their usefulness.

The course has been most interesting and it is good to know it is just step one to ongoing training. I will recommend the training to my friends — thank you indeed.”

Mary (VIC)

I have gained a lot from completing your course in Fundamental Herbology and I shall continue to find out more about the benefits of herbs.”

Georgie (VIC)

Wow! Thank you! What an interesting, fascinating and stimulating learning course and introduction to the wonderful natural healing power of herbs. Thanks for all that you are teaching me about natural healing.

Sue (NSW)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. It is a Fantastic course … I feel very confident to move forward on my herbal journey.

Deanne (WA)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. In a world with misinformation the knowledge shared has and will stand the test of time. Precious information, that is vital for our community’s health and well-being.”

Kira (NSW)

“This course has definitely given me the wanting to learn more on my journey to being a herbalist. All lessons are interesting, well organised and easy to follow. I loved all of it, thank you so much!”

Bianca (WA)

“This is such a great starting point for people wanting to learn more about herbs and the body’s ability to heal itself. The lessons were very well structured and worded in a way that made it easy to comprehend and follow. This course has been a blessing to me and I’m excited to now use the knowledge I have gained from it. Thank you Hilde!”

Crystal (NSW)

“What an amazing instructor and amazing course, it was well organised and easy to follow. Best introductory course with no stress, self-paced, study from home and pay as you go!”

Tricia (WA)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was well organised and easy to follow and all subjects were interesting and informative. It was an amazing course!

Mona (VIC)

“A friend told me about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine. I found the course was well organised and easy to follow, all the subjects were interesting and informative. The course met my needs… I was happy with everything.”

Lisa (VIC)

“Thank you to Hilde and the team at ASOHM… the course was well organised and easy to follow. I had done personal research into herbal medicine for  years prior to commencing study with ASOHM. The extra knowledge I gained through these 12 courses is so helpful. Now I am one step closer to my dream of bringing herbal remedies to my community.

Ebony (VIC)

“I highly recommend this course in herbalism- it was well organised and easy to follow. The course gives a brief outlook on how the amazing world of herbs can heal the human body and gives additional information on how the body functions in many ways using what nature provides! Thank you ASOHM.

Jackie (NSW)

“I have been using herbs for general good health and wellbeing for many years and have been making my own herbal preparations from home grown herbs. This course has assisted me in learning more about the human anatomy and introduced me to many herbs and their uses that I previously was unaware of. Thank you… I highly recommend this course to people who are interested in taking a more natural approach to their health and wellbeing

Mandy (SA)

“The course was informative, easy to follow with interesting herbs to use for different ailments/symptoms. I love the Herbal Glossary at the rear of lesson 12- enables a student to complete further research on each herb. Thank you 🙂

Lizzy (QLD)

“I loved the course and cannot wait to apply what I have learnt. The course was well organised, easy to follow and all subjects were interesting and informative.

Natasa (SA)

“Thank you so much- I have very much enjoyed this course and look forward to reading the extra booklets. I certainly have found this knowledge to be interesting and helpful. My next phase is to look into how I can apply this to companion animals.

Bronwyn (NSW)

“I was so eager for herbal information that I completed the ASOHM in three to four weeks. I paid for the first three lessons as a precautionary method, but I wish I had just paid for the 12 lessons outright.

The lessons are short but to the point without tiresome word bloat. They are packed with information that I can use as a resource, and to top it off I was gifted two of Hilde’s books at the end. Brilliant!

The blog is super interesting and the tests are multiple choice. If you are a natural healing fan, like me, this course will be effortless for you.

I am looking forward to receiving my certificate.

I’m glad I chose ASOHM… thank you for making herb learning available in Australia.”

Christine (TAS)

“The course is easy to follow, the chapters flow and it is interesting learning about the natural ways illnesses/sickness can be improved by using herbs. Loved the course being online during COVID. If you have a keen interest in your wellbeing or helping others, this course will give you a good outline of what symptoms and remedies to use.”

Jeni (QLD)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised, easy to follow and the subjects were interesting and informative. I loved the easy to understand lessons and how each lesson built on information from the last. It is an informative and instructive course.”

Nancy (QLD)

“An excellent grounding in herbalism. Hilde has compiled her knowledge into clear, helpful chapters that are logical and easy to follow. The website is easy to use and the quizzes help to remind me of the salient points in each chapter. Thank you Hilde and ASOHM. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through the material.”

Abby (SA)

“I had been looking for a structured Herbology course for some time and discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine by accident when researching Hilde Hemmes’ products. This course introduces Herbology nicely, with equal measures of basic human biology, the evolution of disease states, and a guide for selecting herbs for healing. With a very informative history on Herbalism and medicine along with the glossaries on herbs, medical terminology and an overview on the preparation of herbals, this course is ideal for those looking for a structured Herbology study.”

Kim (SA)

“I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was very informative and interesting. Basic knowledge to get started on your journey with healing through herbs… the course was well organised and easy to follow. The topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs.” 

Tracy (SA)

“I loved the content of this course, it was well organised and easy to follow and it has inspired me to further my knowledge on the benefits of amazing herbs. Thank you Hilde for making this learning accessible online.” 

Lydia (QLD)

“Thank you to the Australian School of Herbal Medicine for an incredible foundation herbology course. I have learnt so much that I will apply in my own life, with my children and also within my new business selling herbal teas. It was very easy to understand and I love how you laid it all out within the human body systems so I can refer back to this information easily and when required.

Lucy (SA)

“The course was interesting, informative and well organised. I’m already making herbal tinctures and have found this course so rewarding and complimentary to my Ayurvedic knowledge as a diet and lifestyle consultant! This course is wonderful and so informative. Thank you Hilde!

Julie (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the internet. The course was well organised and easy to follow. After completing this course, I feel my knowledge of herbs has grown due to the detailed information that was offered. I feel confident to incorporate herbs for treatment into my life and my family’s

Janet (QLD)

“What a great short course. The course was easy to understand and one lesson built perfectly on to the next. Great information in setting a strong and useful foundation for using herbs. I’m looking forward to using the information and suggestions for improving my own health and that of my family.

Deb (NSW)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. I absolutely loved this course, it is informative and well researched. A great introduction and it has made me very keen to pursue further learning.

Samantha (VIC)

“Sincerely as a fundamental course, this course does have some very valuable knowledge as points to remember. Yes fundamental it is and very worthy of anyone without any knowledge to gain a basic understanding ready for quest for further study and knowledge attainment and sharing.

Yes I agree most old nanna remedies and folk lore remedies, including natural medicine has been removed from consciousness or minds of people so I do recommend that all people start to take responsibility and learn pathways of natural medicine knowledge to what is appropriate for self so we can assist ourselves and each other. Thank you Hilde… and I really enjoyed taking your course

Kevin (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine Online. It is a great introductory course that is easy to follow and packed with information. The course was well organised and all subjects were interesting and informative. Really enjoyed it, thank you!”

Sharyn (WA)

I heard about Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. I found the course was well organised, easy to read and comprehend. It has given me the appetite to continue on with further study as herbs need to be involved in our future.”

Gaye (SA)

I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The delivery of this course was easy to follow, informative and written in a way that is easily understood. For many years I have wanted to complete a course in herbal medicine and I finally got that chance! Looking forward to seeing where this takes me now and I’m almost 51 years young! Thank you so much!”

Kellie (QLD)

I really enjoyed this course! The content was of high standard and straight to the point. I also particularly liked the aspect that links herbs with spirituality, which is often purposely omitted in other herbal courses. I definitely highly recommend this course. Thank you.”

Alain (QLD)

I really enjoyed the Certificate in Herbal Fundamentals. It was very informative and easy to navigate lessons. There was always support when you needed it. I love having hard copies to read regularly and I now have a wonderful folder made up of the information that I can refer back to at any time!”

Bronwyn (VIC)

This is a great course. I loved it as it was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and the topics covered were relevant to me. I found the course is perfect the way it is set out.”

Maria (NSW)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on the internet. The course was well organised, easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. The course is fine the way it is, it met my needs.”

Laura (NSW)

“I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the power of herbs, and helping friends and family along the way. The course was well organised and the subjects were interesting and informative. Thank you for making this course accessible online.”

Jayde (VIC)

“The course was useful and interesting, well organised and easy to follow. It encouraged me to go find more information in order to continue studying. Thank you for the opportunity given to me.”

Hercilia (QLD)

“This is a great course on herbal medicine, which combines basic medical knowledge and a good introduction to western herbal medicine. I really enjoy the course, and thank you, team, for putting it together!”

Haitao (NSW)

“I am finding your course fascinating and very helpful, on a practical level. Thank you very much for making such a course available; it is unique.”

David (QLD)

“Glad I came, Glad I saw, sad to be going. I really enjoyed every lesson and it’s such a beautiful course, easy to understand, just the right length, it fitted into my busy schedule perfectly….give it a go! The best thing was learning what part of the body I loved the most.”

Elissa (NSW)

“When I searched the internet for herbal medicine courses, I came across The Australian School of Herbal Medicine. I found the course was well organised, and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me — the course was very easy to follow and met my needs.”

Kelly (SA)

“When I was a child I would follow my Grandmother around her big garden and she would show me all the plants. She was German/French so Herbalism was something she grew up with too. I have practiced some form of herbalism since then and I’m now in my 40’s and decided I might put my life’s learning into doing this course (my Grandmother was also a big Hilde Hemmes’ fan and Swedish Bitters was well installed in our life!). The course was brilliant, easy to understand and the presentation was simple to follow. I can highly recommend this course to any budding or long-time herbalist, to either refresh or start your learning from the beginning. Thank you.”

Kristy (VIC)

“I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Google. The course was well organised, easy to follow and the subjects were interesting and informative. The topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs. I found this course very informative and it certainly sparked my passion for herbs and their role in supporting the vital force of the body. I am excited to start putting my newfound knowledge to use! Thank you.”

Laura (VIC)

“I saw the Australian School of Herbal Medicine advertised on Facebook. I loved this course, I found it very informative & easy to follow. I have been able to use some of the things I have learnt in my own health journey. Absolutely wonderful.”

Anita (SA)

“I heard about the Australian School of Herbal Medicine from a book I own. The course was well organised, easy to follow, subjects were interesting and informative and met my needs. I have thoroughly enjoyed this course – it has given me a greater appreciation for herbs and their ability to support the human body recover from many ailments.”

Kerrie (VIC)

I discovered the Fundamental Herbology course through the Australian School of Herbal Medicine’s Facebook post. I enjoyed every aspect of it and feel it would be great if there was a follow-on course with more in-depth information, but then I guess that would be similar to doing a Diploma!”

Kelly (VIC)

I discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine on Facebook. The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. This course has helped me understand the fundamentals of Herbal Medicine, it was easy to navigate and understand. Thank you.”

Melinda (QLD)

“After doing an online search, I discovered the Australian School of Herbal Medicine and enrolled in their course, which I thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, the only way it could be improved, is if there was more of it!”

Kylie (VIC)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The information kept me interested and engaged – so much so that I completed all 12 lessons in less than a month! I am certain that I will use many of the herbs and remedies in this course for years to come.”

Jane (QLD)

“The course was well organised, easy to follow and very informative. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Herbology.”

Jeka (VIC)

“The course was amazing! So much information and explained in such a way that was easy to understand! I’m so grateful I did it as I have learned an incredible amount about Herbalism and the human body! Thank you kindly!”

Josh (QLD)

This course was extremely easy to follow and was very informative, I wanted to have more knowledge on the topic before further study and this definitely helped and has me very enthusiastic about herbalism. I definitely recommend it.”

Tia (SA)

I found the course to be very informative and well suited to anyone interested in natural health and growing a stronger understanding of the role that herbs have in the health and maintenance of your bodies and everyday life. The course was well organised and the topics covered were relevant to me.

Daniel (SA)

Thank you for providing an accessible course that is easy to follow. Great information and I look forward to applying it in my daily life to treat myself and others.

Jay (NSW)

I found the Australian School of Herbal Medicine online. The course was easy to follow, the subjects were interesting with well-organised information, and the topics covered were relevant to me.

Jelena (VIC)

The course was very informative, well organised and easy to follow.  I thoroughly enjoyed it as the topics covered were relevant to me. I gained a lot of knowledge in the 12 well set out lessons. Thank you.

Janelle (NSW)

“I thoroughly enjoyed The Fundamentals of Herbal Medicine Course! The course was well organised and easy to follow, it has not only expanded my knowledge of the world of herbs and their use for health and well-being, but has also opened my eyes to the natural and wondrous processes of our bodies.

This course has shown me how we, when we listen to our body, mind, and spirit, providing it with nourishment and care, can make a positive change to our health, happiness, spirit, and planet. Thank you so much!”

Stephanie (QLD)

I’ve just finished the course and wanted to thank you for a most enjoyable and fascinating learning experience. The subjects were interesting and informative and the  topics covered were relevant to me.  I felt well supported by the school each step of the course and appreciated the encouragement and feedback that was given me.”

Pieta (VIC)

“I have been very happy with the layout of this course. As a busy mum, worker and student it has been fundamental for me to choose a course with no deadlines. Hilde, although online, comes across to me as a very knowledgeable caring person and is always there to solve any problem or glitch. All topics were relevant to me.

As a plant lover, I have thoroughly enjoyed this foundation course, it has expanded my knowledge on herbalism and prompted me to look into this field more. The course was nicely structured and beautifully paced, there was no pressure from any deadlines which can be quite tricky as a worker and parent.”

Katya (VIC)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Course. I found it extremely informative, and I feel I have much better foundational knowledge of how the Body works in addition to better knowledge of herbs and herbal remedies. I would highly recommend the course to others as an excellent foundation that also allows one to begin applying the new found knowledge.”

Regina (VIC)

“Thank you so much for providing such a fantastic well rounded course! I really enjoyed everything inc. the information, the fact that it was easily digestible and achievable, and the format was easy to use. I have had a great experience, so I really want to express my gratitude!”

Jordan (NSW)

I thoroughly enjoyed the self-paced no pressure course. I learnt a fair few herby things and found the contents quite interesting. The course was well organised, easy to follow and subjects were informative. The course met my needs and I’m happy that I did the course, money spent well.”

Helen (VIC)

“Thanks for creating such a fabulous course Hilde. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the herbal medicines. I realise that I have so much more to learn.”

Karen (NSW)

“I enjoyed the course as it was the first time I had studied anything like this and it has encouraged me to want to learn more. The subjects were interesting and informative, the topics covered were relevant to me and met my needs. The course was well organised and easy to follow.”

Cheryl (SA)

I found the course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and the topics covered were relevant to me. I can’t see room for improvement as the course was great. I could go at my own pace — VERY informative — I loved it.

 Hannah (SA)

“This course is amazing!  It was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were very interesting, informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. Not only did I learn a lot, I had fun doing it. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Herbology!”

Stephanie (QLD)

Thank you so much — I finished your Certificate in Fundamental Herbology a few months ago. It was a great pleasure to learn about herbs, especially in relation to the different systems in the body. Next year I plan to start a degree in Herbal Medicine.”

Sonya (VIC)

“Thank you for such a wonderful and informative course! I am grateful to have found ASOHM – I found your course to be very fulfilling and informative thank you again.  Awesome!”

Tayla (QLD)

It was amazing for me to come across this field, this course opened my eyes to a new world about health and well-being, very interesting and easy to manage too. It took me less than the time I was expecting to complete this course. I would like to thank you the founder of this course and encourage anyone to pursue this subject as at first it will benefit yourself so good luck to anyone who would like to study in this field:) thank you very much.

Ehsan (VIC)

Very informative course! I found it easy to follow and well organised. The topics covered were relevant to me, and the course met my overall needs and expectations. Look forward to utilising the information I have learnt in the future!

Ruby (NSW)

Thank you Hilde and ASOHM for this informative course. It was easy to navigate, it gave me a good intro level overview of Herbal Medicine, and has helped further ignite my passion for herbs! The course is great, well organised, easy to follow, the subjects were interesting, informative and met my needs.

Kristy (QLD)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting, informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. This was a great theory course and I learnt a great deal about the different body systems and how different herbs could be used for different conditions of the body. Thank you for a great introduction.”

Michelle (NSW)

The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. I loved the information on herbs and how to use them, I’m hoping that I would be able to sell the teas and books on my website.

Dianne (NSW)

“I would recommend this course for anyone interested in the fascinating world of herbs. The course covers a lot of interesting and informative material as well as opening my mind further to a different and time tested method of assisting the body to heal. The course was well organised, easy to follow and met my needs. Thank you Hilde.”

Sandra (WA)

Loved the course and will be recommending it to all our customers! We have been admiring you for years and now we can be a lot more confident in recommending different herbal teas and creams.

Annie (WA)

Great news, I received my certificate and booklet in the mail today. I am so excited to continue my health journey with all the amazing knowledge I have gleaned from your course.

Tania (QLD)

“This course was great as an Accessible and Easy to follow and No pressure Foundation to Herbalism. I loved Hilde’s encouraging emails after each quiz and only wished it didn’t have to end. I was able to do the Course completely at my own pace which it was made it possible at all with a small baby and other children. Really enjoyed the accessibility of the course.

Amanda (NSW)

“I really recommend this to anyone and everyone. Thorough, enjoyable and really rewarding by the end! During the course I even learnt to fix up a skin condition that my doctors couldn’t fix for a year. I have a good understanding now of how our body works and how much our diet impacts our overall health. Thank you so much!! Sad to say goodbye!

Isabel (QLD)

“I found the course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative, and topics covered were relevant to me.

I loved it, easy to read, great subjects.”

Rhonda (QLD)

“Dear Hilde,

I would love to say Thank you for the Certificate of Fundamental Herbology. The information was very interesting, structured and easy to understand for me, as English is my second language. I fell in love learning about benefits and effects of herbs on the human body. I tried many of your wonderful herbal teas and now it is part of our family. Thank you for creating such a unique course.

Alina (SA)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow, the subjects were interesting and informative. The topics covered were relevant to me, very informative for those beginning their herbal path.

Viv (QLD)

“Really enjoyed the course and it will definitely help me in both my private and work life. Thanks

Sacha (NSW)

“The course was well organised and easy to follow. The subjects were interesting and informative and the topics covered were relevant to me. It was exactly as advertised and full of information in an easy to understand and assimilate format. Very enjoyable!

Janette (SA)

“Thank you for the informative course. I found the course interesting and informative and has already influenced my daily life in a positive manner.

Nicole (VIC)

“I really enjoyed completing the course. The course has given me the fundamentals to pursue further study on the subject.

Milena (VIC)

“This is a great introduction into the world of Herbal Medicine. It is insane that this course and the knowledge of Natural Medicine isn’t being taught to all Children in all Schools as a normal subject. Not only as a way in which to prevent most common diseases, but also as a very important re-connection process of awareness, raising consciousness and to open our eyes collectively to the abundant intelligence and healing power of this beautiful natural living organism in space, our home, Mother Earth.

David (NSW)

Having worked in a Health Food Shop in the 1990’s and being familiar with your products, I was very interested in doing this course. I found it exciting, just what I needed to help with well-being, thoroughly enjoyed doing the reading, answering the questions and will definitely be recommending the course to friends and family.

Ruth (NSW)

“Great introduction course! Your content is very well written and quite intriguing. I love that there’s ample time to complete it, as the pace of your own lifestyle may change. I love your work, you’ve taught me a lot through this method and made it very easy. Thank you very much!

Tessa (VIC)

“I have nothing to say other than thank you!

I am grateful that I found a teacher who has provided the knowledge that I feel as though we were all owed, growing up and going through school, but which is not presented to us. Thank you.”

Clare (NSW)

“The best decision I ever made! The course was very easy to follow. Being able to complete it at my discretion was integral as a single mother and mature aged student. There will come a time when modern medicine will fail and Herbal Medicine will prevail.”

Eugenia (VIC)

“Love everything this course and school stands for thank you so much for spreading the herbal message. At no time throughout this course was I confused or searching for a clearer more developed answer. It’s all there in the reading. Keep doing what you’re doing! God bless.”

Steve (New York, USA)

“I have really enjoyed furthering my interest in natural therapies and feel I have a sound basis of knowledge on the subject.”

Cheryl (SA)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course and it has awakened a passion for nature and medicine alike. The whole procedure form enrolling to downloading the course material and completing the assessments was quick and effortless which only added to the enjoyment of learning.”

Cassie (VIC)

“A brilliant and thorough course on the fundamentals of herbs and the effects on the body, completely loved it and would recommend the course to anyone with a keen interest in herbs. It is fascinating, well researched and a great resource to get started in this field and to go on to further more in depth and practical study.

Zoe (QLD)

“Thank you so kuch Hilde. It was very informative and enjoyable, and the wonderful thing is doing this course has made me believe that I can possibly consider further study in this area.m

Kristin (TAS)

I am really enjoying learning about herbs and the human body. I work as an AIN in aged care and I can see so much benefit herbal treatments could do for residents. It’s just a pity I would not be allowed to use them at my place of work, but I can so much benefit using them at home. I am going to create a herb garden, I have a few herbs but I need to grow some Dandelion, but from what I can gather there are 2 other weeds that look similar to Dandelion so I might have to go to a botanist and buy some Dandelion and start that way. Thanks again!

Diana (QLD)

The course so far has been nothing but rewarding. Looking forward to the few lessons I have left to complete these fundamentals.

The wealth of information I am learning is a necessity where I come from because we have a poor medical system that cannot adequately help our people. People are dying from preventable and curable diseases. So many sufferings from serious chronic diseases so there is a lot to be done here in Papua New Guinea in terms of education and application of herbs as prevention and treatment. Even to be diagnosed correctly by medical practitioners leaves a lot to be desired. I am speaking from personal experience.

We are so blessed with vast forests and yet we don’t have a clue with its plant inhabitants that have the vast potential to our health and well-being. For instance, we have wild yam growing in our yard and didn’t know its many healing properties. So, I have started advising a few friends and family visiting on its properties.

I would like to pursue further advanced diploma training in herbalism together with nutrition. There is opportunity for me to apply for an Australian scholarship to fund this. If you have some advice or any assistance on this please let me know.”

Helen (PNG)

My grandmother was a natural with herbs and I used to enjoy spending time with her – she made potions and skin creams etc and wrote several books on food, herbs, oils etc. She passed away about 9 years ago and I want to learn more about herbal medicine in a structured way. So, these lessons are ideal.”


I just wanted to thank you for all the information you have given me. I find herbalism very interesting and would like to study full time to become an herbalist. I believe totally in this way of living and this course has helped me understand more about it.”

Tanya (QLD)

I really enjoyed doing the course on herbal medicine and looked forward to each lesson. I have found it to be an excellent introduction to the subject and the knowledge acquired could be applied with some confidence, towards advising friends and family of their health.”


“I have enjoyed the course immensely — herbs have always been one of the wonders of nature to me. They are truly blessed plants and deserve love and respect and great delight that they are there.”

Margaret (QLD)

It is a pleasure to do this course. It is just what I’ve been looking for and needing for years. I am approaching this with the faith and trust that God’s remedies really work. My family and I are intending to create a useful herb garden for our own use.”


Thank you for such a brilliant course, I thoroughly enjoyed it once I got into it. I realised it was not hard, I learned a lot about my health issues, I felt it was written just for me. Best regards to you all at Herbal Medicine School.”


“Thank you for the most interesting course. I did an herbal course and a naturopathy course years ago but felt I needed a refresher on herbs. I grow some of my own and would like to make use of them instead of just seeing how beautiful they are. I have learnt a lot more now than I did in those other courses, so thrilled.”

Judy (WA)

It has been a pleasure to learn a bit more about the human body and its problems and how to alleviate its pains and sickness. We are pensioners and may be leaving in a short time back to our country Uruguay, in South America. Most of these herbs are not known there and we would like to take with us some of the rare ones like Epilobium, St John’s wort, Hawthorn and Ginkgo biloba.”

Blas (NSW)

I’d like to say thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to do your course, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be putting my herbal knowledge to good use. Once again thank you very much.”


I would love to say I have enjoyed the course, thank you very much and I hope one day I will meet you in person. Once again thank you heaps!”

Dawn (WA)

“Thank you for the wonderful course — I am enjoying it very much and using the knowledge on family and friends.”

Angela (QLD)

Thank you for the Certificate of Fundamental Herbology — I enjoyed the course and thank you for each lesson. It is always nice to meet people personally, but the availability of the course at least ensures that distance and absence are no barrier to the gaining of knowledge.”

Dorothy (VIC)

Thank you for the certificate in Fundamental Herbology — the course was informative and enjoyable. My reasons for taking the course were because of my longstanding interest in herbs and my desire to know more to be of help to my family and myself.”

Thelma (QLD)

Thank you for welcoming me to your herbal fraternity when you posted the certificate in Fundamental Herbology.

My interest has increased in seeing types of herbs I am growing in my garden and their usefulness.

The course has been most interesting and it is good to know it is just step one to ongoing training. I will recommend the training to my friends — thank you indeed.”

Mary (VIC)

I have gained a lot from completing your course in Fundamental Herbology and I shall continue to find out more about the benefits of herbs.”

Georgie (VIC)

Wow! Thank you! What an interesting, fascinating and stimulating learning course and introduction to the wonderful natural healing power of herbs. Thanks for all that you are teaching me about natural healing.

Sue (NSW)