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A collection of interesting topics regularly updated

The Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

  What is Matcha? Matcha is a finely ground powder derived from specially cultivated and processed green tea leaves. This tea, originating in China over a thousand years ago, gained prominence in Japan during the 12th century. It has since been integral to traditional...

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The Benefits of Camomile Tea

What is Camomile Tea?  Camomile tea is a staple in many households, and for good reason! With its abundance of benefits for babies and adults, camomile is a reliable herbal tea that can be used to minimise discomforts and stress. The famous tea is made from the dried...

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Why Are Herbal Teas Preferable?

Herbal medicine is the rightful medicine of all human beings. Caring for yourself and your family by using herbs is an empowering experience—it allows you to tap into the power of nature and take responsibility for your health and well-being. Over the last thirty...

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Peppermint: The Ancient Healer

Peppermint is an aromatic perennial herb, native to Europe and Asia, that is a cross between spearmint and watermint. Its Latin name is Mentha x piperita  which comes from the word "Mintha", the Greek name of a nymph who was transformed into a mint...

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Antenatal & Postnatal Remedies

Further to my previous blog titled SAFE Herbs for Mums & Bubs, the following is a selection of recipes and/or remedies for different issues that may arise, either before or after giving birth. Blood Building  50g  Calendula50g  Red clover50g ...

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Safe Herbs For Mums & Bubs

Expecting your first baby can be a wonderful but daunting experience, as there is so much information available these days. Foremost, is keeping mum well and delivering a healthy, happy baby which means some lifestyle changes are advisable. There are many things that...

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Shepherd’s Purse Tightens Without a String!

English physician Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) wrote: "This plant is a remarkable instance of the truth of an observation. Few plants possess greater virtues than this, and yet it is utterly disregarded. It helps all fluxes of blood, either caused by inward or...

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Ginseng – Prized Root of the East

For thousands of years the Chinese have credited ginseng as the "king of the herbs", believing it to be good for everything from sex problems to terminal diseases! Its botanical name Panax is derived from the Greek word panakos, a panacea, in reference to the...

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Ancient & Current Uses of Knotgrass

What is knotgrass? In the past, knotgrass has been known as pigweed, swine's grass, nine-joints, allseed and bird's tongue. The plant is a member of the Polygonaceae family and its botanical name is Polyganum aviculare. Knotgrass is generally regarded as a useless...

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The Healing Magic of Club Moss

Common club moss is found world-wide and grows abundantly in moors and dry, evergreen forests. However, if the forests are cut down, the plant shrivels up and turns yellow due to the direct sunlight. Common club moss thrives in acidic, well-composted habitats while...

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How to give up smoking for GOOD!

Breaking the habit of smoking Remember that smoking can kill but it is a preventable cause of death – for you to kick the habit, you personally must reverse the process that hooked you. “The decision has to be made deep inside. Once this decision is made, the biggest...

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Tobacco: A Popular Plant That Can Kill You!

Tobacco or Nicotiana is a native plant of North America that was cultivated for its leaves, which when cured, were used for smoking, chewing and snuff. It has been around for centuries and early civilisations used it in many different ways – from medicinally, for...

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Celeriac: Rooted in Nutritional Value

What is Celeriac? Celeriac, or celery root, contains a large amount of natural organic sodium. This is not to be confused with the inorganic sodium chloride, which we know as table or common salt, a substance responsible for deterioration of kidney function, varicose...

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Radishes Provide the Health Kick Your Body Needs!

The radish or Raphanus sativus was originally grown in Asia and the Mediterranean, then was cultivated by the Egyptians, who even included them in drawings found on their tombs and temple walls. As well as garlic and onions, radishes were considered a health-promoting...

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How Do I Detox My Body?

If you are detoxifying for the first time, you may want to start with a 6-day program, however many people find 10 or even 21 days an enjoyable challenge! Just follow my simple instructions below, based on detox treatments practised in Europe at exclusive retreats and...

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Why Is It Important to Detox Your Body?

We are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals daily – in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and in the soil in which we plant our very future. These pollutants manifest as a variety of symptoms and can lead to chronic illness, premature ageing,...

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Normalising Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure or hypertension is extremely common and it is estimated that it affects approximately 33% of adults over the age of 20. Two types of pressure are measured—the higher or “systolic” is when the heart contracts and pumps the blood; the other,...

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Influencing Influenza

Influenza, commonly known as the 'flu, is a highly contagious illness caused by a virus, which affects people of all ages and occurs more frequently during the colder months. It is transmitted from person to person through the respiratory tract, by means of inhalation...

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Herbs for Acne – Spot the Difference

Acne is a common skin complaint, especially among teenagers, and may be caused by hormonal changes, food intolerance, poor hygiene, allergies etc. The kidneys and liver become inadequate in expelling the excess waste, so the skin which is our largest eliminative...

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Battling Fluid Retention, The Natural Way

Oedema is the medical term for fluid or water retention and it occurs when excess fluids build up inside the body, in the circulatory system or within tissues and cavities.  Oedema however, while having nothing to do with fluid intake, has everything to...

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Liquorice – A Remedy For “ALLSORTS” Of Ailments!

The use of the liquorice plant was first learnt by the Greeks from the Scythians and it was prescribed by the father of medicine Hippocrates (460 B.C.), in cases of dropsy and to relieve thirst. As a medicine, liquorice was well known in Germany in the eleventh...

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Juniper Berries: Good For Your Digestive Health

What are Juniper Berries? Widely grown in rocky soils throughout the Northern Hemisphere, there are about 60 to 70 species belonging to the Juniper family. All these species contain berries but not all are edible. History of the Juniper Tree Thousands of years ago,...

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Raspberry – Rosy Fruit & Leafy Goodness

Belonging to the rose family, raspberries are native to many parts of Europe, growing wild in woodland and hilly thickets. With a pleasant smell and taste, the fruit of the wild plant differs from today's cultivated varieties, mainly in its size. Recognised as a...

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Spreading The Herbal Word

Herbology is an area steeped in tradition and folklore from a bygone era, which has been brought into the forefront of modern thinking, through scientific studies and well-documented evidence. In our busy, polluted, synthetic world with rampant allergies and...

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The Herbal Benefits of Plantain

Plantain (Plantago Lanceolate), commonly referred to as Plantain weed is extraordinary for many reasons, including its almost endless possibilities to positively improve our health. Often found in many gardens and dismissed as a regular weed, the power of plantain can...

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This Lady Is a Mantle For All Women

Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) was probably the first cosmetic herb, setting the scene for the popularity of cosmetic surgery centuries after Nicholas Culpeper wrote in 1649: "When drank and outwardly applied, it helps women who have over-flagging breasts,...

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Make Time For Thyme

Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) is a neat little plant, often found in gardens as ground cover and dwarf edgings. They are virtually pest and disease free, and bees are especially fond of the blossoms for their honey. As one of the old-time remedies, this herb can be used...

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Willow Bark – Nature’s Aspirin

There are numerous species of willow tree, but the most commonly used in botanic medicine is the white willow or Salix alba, also known as the European or Salicin willow - not to be confused with the small flowered willow herb (Epilobium parviflorum) used for prostate...

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Silver Birch – A Sterling Herb!

The birch tree (Betula alba), also known as silver birch, gets its name from the Sanskrit word 'bhurga' meaning a tree whose bark is used for writing upon.   Found growing wild through Europe in woods and mountain regions, this ornamental and medicinal tree can...

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Eliminate Acne The Herbal Way

Acne is a very common skin condition, mainly caused by eating too many refined starches, fried foods, dairy products, added sugar, as well as high protein consumption. When the kidneys and liver become inadequate in expelling the excess waste, the skin, being the...

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Unlock The Secret Of Swedish Bitters

Swedish Bitters is made up of 11 different herbs combined synergistically so that the resulting elixir has benefits far greater than can be attributed to the individual herbs that go into it. The formula contains aloe leaf, senna leaf, rhubarb root, manna and carline...

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The History Of Swedish Bitters

The Swedish Bitters’ formula has existed for hundreds of years, in many different forms and with a variety of names, and can be found in pharmacy books (called pharmacopoeias) dating back to the Middle Ages. At the beginning of the 16th Century, the great medical...

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The Not So Humble Carrot!

The name "carota" for the garden carrot is found first in the writings of Athenaes (AD 200) and in a cookery book by Apicius (AD 230). It appears Galen (AD 130-200) named it "daucus" to distinguish the carrot from the parsnip and in the eighteenth century, Daucus...

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Horehound – A Weed Or A Wonder?

What is horehound? Horehound or Marrubium vulgare is native to Europe and is a member of the mint family. It is a hardy plant and flourishes best in poor soil, so can often be found by roadsides, as well as in dry wastelands, fields and pastures. It can be propagated...

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Fennel – For Flavour & Function

Fennel or Foenicuum vulgare will thrive anywhere and, as it self-sows easily, a plantation will last for years. Fennel is largely cultivated for its medicinal use in the south of Europe, Russia, India, and Persia (modern day Iran). Grown by the Romans for its aromatic...

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Showy Flowers Soothe The Nerves

Passionflower or Passiflora incarnata is a climbing vine that is native to the south-eastern United States. It consists of about 400 different species and many of these are highly prized for their showy, unusual flowers.  Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) The...

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St John’s Wort – A Wildflower With Hidden Powers

St John’s wort (also known as Hypericum) is a shrubby perennial wildflower which can be found growing in uncultivated dry gravelly soil, woods, hedges, meadows and on roadsides.  Image: St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) There are many ancient superstitions...

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Dandelion – Makes Health Wishes Come True

In herbal medicine, the principal function of Dandelion or Taraxacum officinale is to care for the liver and gallbladder, by promoting the formation of bile and removing excess water from the body in cases of severe water retention resulting from liver problems....

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Agrimony: A Small Herb With Mighty Power

The History & Folklore of Agrimony Agrimony or Agrimonia eupatoria is named after Mithridates Eupator, King of Pontus (132-63 B.C.) who was a renowned concoctor of herbal remedies. The plant is native to Europe, belongs to the rose family, and is one of the most...

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Scratching The Surface Of Eczema

Eczema can be a great nuisance and can cause considerable discomfort if the skin is scratched and becomes infected by bacteria. Childhood eczema is very common and often begins in infancy.  There are many causes - contact dermatitis is common and is caused when...

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Natural Flu Prevention & Treatments

Influenza epidemics have a long history and were first reported in 1610. The most severe and destructive flu outbreaks were those in 1889-90 and 1918, where it is estimated that 20 million people died within a few months and more than 50 times as many were sick. Other...

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Herbs For Menstrual Problems

Most girls have their first menstrual period by the time they are 15 years of age. Menstruation is a result of changes which take place in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) which culminate once a month when the blood-enriched lining is discharged as the menstrual...

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Quit Smoking – Heal The Wounds Of Nicotine With Herbs

If you are desperately trying to quit smoking and want to heal the wounds of nicotine, you are probably cursing the name of Jean Nicot, the French diplomat who first introduced tobacco in 1560 in the form of snuff, to cure migraine headaches.  Nicotine is a known...

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Asparagus – Spearheading The Superfood Campaign

In recent years, asparagus has been promoted and enjoyed as a "superfood" but, like so many foods and plants which are constantly being "rediscovered", asparagus predates recorded history. In fact, it is first recorded as being used for food in 200 BC, and the Greeks...

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Camomile – A Calming Herb For All Ages

In olden days, camomile was known as the "plant's physician" and it is stated that nothing contributes as much to a healthy garden as a number of camomile plants. Old herbals tell us that if a plant is drooping or sickly, it will recover if you place a camomile near...

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Horsetail – One Swish And Your Troubles Are Gone!

Horsetail is native to Europe and its use dates back to Roman times—the bruised plant was applied to bleeding and the young shoots were added to salads for their tonic effect. During the medieval period it was regarded as a valuable wound-healing herb, being very...

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Cramps Can Affect Anyone!

A cramp is a painful spasm of muscle and when it occurs internally, such as in the intestine, ureter or bile duct, it is called colic, which is very common among babies. Cramps are also associated with the menstrual cycle and are very common in women who have not had...

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Bedstraw – Not Just For Sleeping On!

Galium verum, commonly known as bedstraw, is a native of Western Europe and can be found on dry banks, in pastures and meadows, and near the sea. In olden times, bedstraw was used by women for disorders of the uterus and it was laid in the bed to ease childbirth,...

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How Does Garlic “Ward Off Evil”?

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the onion family, also known as "Poor Man's Treacle" and "Stink Plant". Cultivated world-wide, it is one of the strongest flavoured perennial plants used in food. Bulbs consist of numerous bulblets, known as cloves, enclosed...

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Balmy Days Ahead

Balm mint is often called Melissa and Lemon balm—its botanical name is Melissa officinalis. In English, balm means healing and soothing, which also happens to be the attributes of the herb, according to extensive scientific research. Melissa is from the Greek...

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Helping Hands Weren’t Always So!

Hygiene and hand washing in particular, has become an integral part of our everyday lives and an essential aspect of life in hospitals, but things were very different just over 150 years ago! In the second half of the 19th century, the medical profession of Europe had...

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Calendula: Nature’s Golden Flower

What is Calendula? Calendula or Marigold can be found growing in gardens—its botanical name is Calendula officinalis. Even though Marigolds are common plants, few people are aware of their excellent medicinal value.  History of Calendula According to German...

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Feverfew Foils Migraines

If you suffer from migraines or are allergic to bees, you should seriously consider planting feverfew in your garden.  More about the bees later, but migraine sufferers will be pleased to know feverfew is one of the few medicinal plants to have had the benefit of...

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Take The Gall Out Of Those Stones!

Anyone who has ever suffered from gallstones probably doesn't want to relive the pain of that experience, but what are these hard little substances produced by our bodies that can cause us such grief? Gallstones are called that because they are a stone-like substance...

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Cabbage – More Than Just A Vegetable

Before frozen foods, refrigeration and cheap transport from warmer areas became readily available in northern, central and eastern Europe, sauerkraut, (like other preserved foods) provided a source of nutrients during the winter. Captain James Cook always took...

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Herbal Tea: The Most Ancient Form of Herbal Medicine

Preparing medicinal herbs at home has become increasingly popular in most households, with a variety of herbs being more readily available. But, with easy access to different medicinal herbs comes the responsibility of ensuring that you’re using the herbs in the...

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The Benefits of Sleep

Growing up, we often hear the benefits of getting a good night’s rest - improvements in productivity and concentration, better eating habits, decreased chances of heart disease and stroke, decreased chances of diabetes, and the list goes on. During sleep, changes...

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Do You Want To Live Longer?

There are societies of people who do live much longer than others and they are remarkably free of heart disease and cancer. These are the Vilcabambans of Ecuador, the Abkhazians of Russia and the Hunzakuts of Pakistan. When US cardiologists Dr. Paul Dudley White and...

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Arnica Cream Should Be In Every Medicine Cabinet

Arnica is one of the most versatile and useful herbs found in nature and is an essential addition to every medicine cabinet. From treating pain, inflammation, bruising, arthritis and more, arnica cream is extremely handy to have  — the only thing to remember is that...

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Switching From Coffee To Herbal Teas

Many people report not being able to function in the morning until they’ve had that first cup of coffee. The caffeine found in coffee can increase physical and mental alertness and for this reason many find themselves  becoming dependent on coffee just to get through...

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Discover The Value Of Detoxing After The Festive Season

Throughout the holiday season for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, many find themselves over-indulging on both the delicious food available and the flow of alcohol. With diet and alcohol intake being two of the biggest factors that can cause issues to your liver, it’s...

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Why Is Sleep So Beneficial For Our Health?

Did you know sleep is one of the most important factors in our overall general health and wellbeing? You probably know how a poor night’s sleep can affect your mood and cognitive ability the next day, but did you know that not getting enough sleep can have adverse...

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The Importance Of Vitamin D & Where To Find It

Vitamin D (also known as the sunshine vitamin), is produced by the body in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D is important in the body for a number of reasons such as maintaining strong, healthy bones, preventing depression and reducing the risk of a range of...

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Ease Depression & Anxiety With Hypericum

The Hypericum plant, otherwise known as St John’s wort, is a perennial herb that has been used to treat nervous conditions since the times of ancient Greece. The hypericum plant contains a number of chemical compounds, some of which are known to be helpful in treating...

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Use Arnica Cream For Muscle & Joint Pain

If you’ve ever found yourself walking up and down the pain relief section of your local health store, you’ve probably seen ‘arnica’ more than a few times. Arnica is known as a ‘mountain daisy’ as its most commonly found mountainous areas of the US, Canada and the...

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Herbal Remedies For Symptoms Of Menopause

Every day women experience the many unpleasant symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, excessive sweating and night sweats. The good news is there are alternative medicines available to help elevate these symptoms without having to resort to hormone replacement...

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Improve Your Health By Detoxifying Your Liver

Our general health and wellbeing depends heavily on our body’s ability to break down and purge toxins. We are exposed to many, many toxins every day through our food, the products we use, alcohol and other substances we consume, so it’s important that we take care of...

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Effective, Alternative Antidepressant

Hypericum is one of nature’s best herbs for the entire nervous system. This herb (also known as St John’s wort) has received much medical attention and recognition, particularly for its use in mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Clinical trials have now shown...

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Prostate Enlargement – A Proven Herbal Remedy

I have a love of researching and discovering. My library is crammed with books on herbs as I buy virtually every publication on the subject. Whenever I return to Germany I search for herbal books and manuscripts which have been locked away in libraries and that is...

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A Valuable Remedy For Throat/Mouth Complaints

Sage or salvia officinalis, as it is scientifically called, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is a valuable remedy for throat/mouth problems, intestinal/digestion complaints and menopausal hot flushes, to name just a few. It is a native to...

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Is Laughter Really The Best Medicine?

Good-natured laughter does more than brighten a person’s day. When we laugh heartily, we also exercise our muscles. Psychology today says: Laughter reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and...

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Do You Drink Enough Water For Good Health?

Most of us can improve our health by drinking more water. Water is one of our body's most important nutrients, yet the simple advice to drink more water is often neglected by even health-minded people. Did you know that about 70 percent of our total body weight is...

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The Breuss Cancer Cure – Not Just A Cure For Cancer

  About Rudolf Breuss I first heard of Rudolf Breuss on a trip to Germany. I was absolutely astonished at the claims made in his book. Patients with brain tumours, lung cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer told of their success in ridding themselves of these...

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The Health Benefits of Bedstraw

What is Lady's Bedstraw?  Bedstraw (Galium verum) is a very valuable plant to the average herbalist because it can be used for a wide range of problems. With its diuretic and alterative actions, it is most beneficial as a lymphatic tonic, especially in the case of...

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Uncover The Secrets Of Ancient Herbal Knowledge

Our knowledge on the past use of herbal medicine is mainly derived from cultures which had a written language, recorded on clay tablets, carved or painted on stone, papyrus, later as manuscripts, and in more recent times, as books. Hunter-gatherers had an...

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Which Tiny Berry Can Relieve Cystitis & Other UTIs?

Cranberry’s fame as a natural remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs) came from German chemists in the 19th century, who discovered that, after eating cranberries, people pass urine that contains a bacteria-fighting chemical known as hippuric acid. About sixty...

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Treat Osteoporosis & Inflammatory Disease Easily

Parsley is readily available and widely used in cookery but it is often under-appreciated. It can be found throughout the year at the market, it's cheap so just about anyone can buy it. Parsley is a highly nutritious plant and has ample vitamins and...

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Discover Medicinal Properties Of A Humble Vegetable

For thousands of years the humble onion has had a respected and often revered place in the diet of man. Sacred to the Egyptians, it often appears in the art of ancient India, China and Greece, but it probably originated in Central Asia. The onion’s unique properties...

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Do You Suffer From Anaemia? This Herb Can Help

Horsetail is a very popular herbal remedy as it is a storehouse of minerals. Due to its high content of silica, horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is recommended when it is necessary for the body to repair bony tissues. Silica helps to fix calcium, so that...

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How Does Echinacea Shield Against Infections?

The immune system in our body is one of the most important functions. Without its proper functioning, without a good defence mechanism, we couldn’t survive as we are constantly subjected to the attacks of millions of germs. These can multiply and cause damage in the...

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How To Detoxify & Energise Your Body

An overload of toxins in your body will lead to chronic illness, premature ageing and death. You and I are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals, they are everywhere — all the time. They are in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the food we eat and the...

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Regulate Menstrual/Menopausal Problems

Yarrow has an important place in the history of herbs. It has two agents which promote blood coagulation, several which have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action, and others which are antiseptic. As well as healing internal and external wounds, yarrow counters...

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Take Ginkgo To Delay The Ageing Process

There seems to be no other plant in herbal medicine that is beneficial to the brain, central nervous system and vascular system at the same time. Anyone over 50 is encouraged to take ginkgo extract for a few months at a time for the general toning up of various bodily...

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Relieve Colds, Flu, Sinus Infections, Respiratory Issues

Elder flower (Sambucus nigra) has been used in traditional medicine all over the world in many different cultures due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most common uses for elderflower in herbal medicine is for colds and flu, sinus infections,...

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Herbs For Kidney, Bladder & Cholesterol Problems

Our kidneys suffer badly from our modern habits as many don't drink enough water while consuming large quantities of coffee and fizzy drinks. Golden rod (Solidago virgaurea) is not only useful as a counter to kidney and bladder complaints particularly kidney stones...

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Sebastian Kneipp – The ‘Helper of Mankind’

Sebastian Kneipp (1821 - 1897) was an extraordinary man who took an absolutely free product - water - and showed the world how to use it as a curative force for a wide variety of illnesses. The story of his famous water treatments began when Kneipp was struck down...

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Which Herbs Are Beneficial For Women’s Problems?

The following herbs are beneficial for women if they experience excessive & difficult menstruation (dysmenorrhoea), menopausal problems such as hot flushes, uterine fibroids and during pregnancy. Lady's Mantle Lady's mantle is excellent for all kinds of menstrual...

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Pain-Relieving Herb For Rheumatism & Arthritis

Willow bark (Salix alba) has often been regarded as one of nature’s greatest gifts to humanity because the salicin it contains is such an effective pain killer. The chemical factory that is the human body converts salicin into salicylic acid which is rich in...

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How To Keep Your Hair On Herbally!

Hair: Very few people are satisfied with what hair they've got. It's either too little or too much or it grows in all the wrong places! Dealing with unwanted body hair is a nightmare for some women, but not enough hair on their heads is a condition almost all men have...

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Home Remedy For Arthritic & Inflamed Joints

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea): I don't think I have to tell anyone what a cabbage looks like because it is one of the most widely grown vegetables and is a European native. The heads of cabbage varieties range in shape from pointed, through to globular, to flat and from...

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Anti-Inflammatory Herb For Sprains, Swellings, Bruises

Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis): Comfrey’s name derives from the Latin ‘confervere’ which means ‘to bring together’. This leafy perennial herb has been used for centuries for its swelling-reducing capacity when bones were to be set and the healing process accelerated,...

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Help Save Traditional Herbal Medicine!

Herbal medicine is the oldest and most widespread medicine developed by humanity. Although herbalism is regarded in Australia as an alternative medical practice, did you know that 85 per cent of the world's population regard it as mainstream? That's hardly surprising...

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The Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice

  Beetroot Juice has Tumour-Inhibiting Capabilities For 2000 years the beetroot has remained as the most valuable vegetable in the medicine chest. After carrot juice, the juice from the beetroot must be the most used of all the root vegetables. It is also one of...

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How Does Potato Juice Cure Indigestion?

About Potatoes The potato is probably the most widely used and best-known vegetable of them all. The organic potato has the most beneficial effects that are unfortunately all but lost when cultivated by commercial methods. Potatoes grown by commercial methods are...

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Avoid A Heart Attack & Protect Your Heart Today!

Hawthorn is an excellent herb for the heart. The main medicinal use of hawthorn is as a cardiotonic, a tonic for the heart. It looks after the heart by gradually reducing elevated blood pressure and by stimulating or depressing its activity depending on its need. Not...

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Why Is Grape Seed The Best Antioxidant?

Grapes (Vitis vinifera) have been heralded for their medicinal and nutritional value for thousands of years. Egyptians ate grapes, and several ancient Greek philosophers praised the healing power of grapes, usually in the form of wine. European folk healers made an...

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Eliminate Stress & Anxiety In Your Life

Cowslip (Primula veris) herbal tea is an excellent sedative ideal for stress-related problems. Unlike sleeping pills which are habit-forming and have the potential to damage long-term users, cowslip has a gentle, relaxing effect on the nervous system that allows the...

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Valerian Is A Powerful, Natural Sedative

Do you suffer from insomnia, tossing from side to side at night and finally, because you know of no other way in your predicament, reach for a sleeping pill? If your answer is “yes” and you continue using such help, you will find that in the long run you won’t be able...

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Different Forms Of Herbal Preparations

Commercial herbal preparations: You can buy many different forms of herbal medicines from health food stores and pharmacies. Different methods of taking herbal medicines are more suitable for specific herbs and for certain health conditions. Herbal capsules: Capsules...

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Banish Poor Digestion, Heartburn & Nausea For Good!

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) tea is a wonderful remedy for poor digestion, heartburn, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting during pregnancy, sudden pains and cramps in the stomach, tension headaches, flatulence and colic. It can be taken as a tea to relieve blocked nasal...

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Why Put Up With Menstrual &/Or Menopausal Problems?

Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) helps to stop bleeding. It has a strengthening effect on the endometrium (the uterine lining), making it an effective treatment for many problems associated with menstruation and menopause. A hot infusion made of this herb is used...

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Protect Your Liver From Serious Disease

St Mary’s thistle (Silybum marianum) is undoubtedly the best-documented pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of serious liver disease. The herb is now widely used by the medical profession to treat alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, liver...

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Best Blood Tonic & Cleanser – Ideal For Skin Disorders

Red clover tea (Trifolium pratense) has a strong metallic flavour as a result of its high concentration of iron and copper salts, which make it a vital blood tonic as well as an important blood cleanser. If taken over a prolonged period, red clover will improve the...

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Can A Herb For Stomach Disorders Calm A Colicky Baby?

Every household with a baby should have a packet of camomile tea or teabags in the herbal pantry as it is a gentle, calming herb that can be safely given to infants. It is an excellent herb for babies at teething time or when they have ear infections, cramps or...

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Diuretic Herbs Are Essential For Fluid Retention

Oedema is the medical term for fluid retention which is due to poor drainage and can be treated with diuretic herbs... which promote urine secretion in a safe and effective manner. Bedstraw (Galium verum) is a powerful diuretic which can be used to combat inflamed...

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Highly Recommended By Herbalists Everywhere

The stinging nettle is the best blood cleansing herb known to herbalists and recommended strongly in the treatment of acne and eczema. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is high in iron and is also the best blood building herb and very beneficial in...

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The Health Benefits of Swedish Bitters

What is Swedish Bitters? Swedish Bitters is a tonic used in traditional western herbal medicine to aid the digestive system and relieve digestive problems. It is a multi-purpose treatment that can be ingested or used externally to treat wounds and abrasions. Medicinal...

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Calendula For Internal & External Healing

Many readers of my newspaper columns have reported excellent results for Crohn’s disease, colitis and inflammatory bowel disease after using the following recipe from an old German herbal book: 100g Calendula (Calendula officinalis) 50g Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)...

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In Case Of A Heart Attack – Steps To Help The Victim

Each year millions of men and women worldwide have heart attacks. Many survive with few after-effects. Others do not survive. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. To stay healthy, the heart needs oxygen and other nutrients that are carried by...

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Is Your Body A Toxic Cocktail? Read More …

Much has changed since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Today, we are faced with a raft of serious diseases that barely existed 100 years ago, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. This is hardly surprising when you consider that we are exposed to...

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Effective Remedies For Leg Cramps & Swollen Ankles

Alternate hot and cold Foot Baths: These are excellent water therapies for complaints such as swollen ankles, foot infections, chilblains, neuralgia, headache, catarrh, colds, cold feet, congestion of abdomen, poor circulation, burning sensation in the feet and more....

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Treat Varicose Veins, Haemorrhoids, Vaginal Thrush

Water Treading: This is a simple treatment and has many therapeutic applications. Use it every day of the year for the following conditions: Varicose veins, weak ankles, insomnia, general weakness, poor circulation, aching feet, chilblains, exhaustion, nervousness and...

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