Celeriac: Rooted in Nutritional Value

What is Celeriac?

Celeriac Root and Leaves

Celeriac, or celery root, contains a large amount of natural organic sodium. This is not to be confused with the inorganic sodium chloride, which we know as table or common salt, a substance responsible for deterioration of kidney function, varicose veins, hardening of the arteries and other problems of the circulatory system.

Naturally occurring sodium has an almost immediate positive effect on the body. With two main functions, it maintains the fluid balance of blood and lymph preventing it from becoming too thick, and secondly, it keeps calcium in solution allowing for ease of absorption. Carbon dioxide is more easily eliminated from the body when sufficient organic sodium is present.

History of Celeriac

Ancient cultures regarded celeriac (Apium graveolens) as “nature’s purifier” and it was valued all over the world, including by Hippocrates who used this wondrous vegetable in treatments, over 2,000 years ago! Taken as an appetiser to stimulate digestion, it was also used as a diuretic and to help lower blood pressure.

Medicinal Properties & Health Benefits of Celeriac Root

Celeriac root has many nutritional elements, including vitamins and minerals that contribute to improving health. 

The high magnesium content has a positive effect on nervous diseases.  It also has great value in relieving gout, fluid retention, arthritic and nervous conditions, and in combating the build-up of uric acid, reducing pain in those suffering from rheumatism.

There are numerous other health benefits, including: 

  • Antispasmodic properties
  • Relieving headaches
  • Improving sleep
  • Promoting concentration
  • Stimulating the metabolism to burn fat

Uses of Celeriac Root

Carrot Juice

Organic Celeriac Juice

Celeriac juice can be diluted with water as a natural sports drink to replace lost fluid and minerals due to sweating. So when the temperature soars through the hot summer months, grab a glass of cool organic celeriac juice to keep you dry and comfortable while those around you perspire.

Celeriac and Carrot Juice

When combined with organic carrot juice, celeriac can improve your iron levels and help to oxygenate the blood cells. The juice contains the same ulcer-healing factors found in cabbage juice, plus the anti-cancer nutrients phthalide and polyacetylene, which are both powerful antioxidants.

Find out more about the medicinal benefits of celeriac and other vegetables through enrolling in our Online Herbal Medicine Course today!

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