Breaking the habit of smoking
Remember that smoking can kill but it is a preventable cause of death – for you to kick the habit, you personally must reverse the process that hooked you. “The decision has to be made deep inside. Once this decision is made, the biggest part of the battle is over”, says a medical journal. The major element in success will be your own willpower.
Herbal Remedy for Giving Up Smoking
• 50g Plantain
• 50g Thyme
Directions: Infuse one heaped teaspoon of the above mixed herbs with one cup of boiling water for 3-5 minutes, strain and drink 3-4 cups daily.
Important things to remember:
- Do not reach for cigarettes – keep in mind that your own hands are responsible for lighting them!
- Chew liquorice root throughout the day – this will not only help you overcome the addiction, but will help repair damage in the respiratory passages.
Understanding your withdrawal pangs
Within 12 hours of your last cigarette, your heart and lungs begin to repair themselves, and carbon monoxide and nicotine levels drop fast. As your body heals, it hurts a little. Avoid self-pity and compromise, but have no doubt, you can kick the habit for good. You may feel irritable or short-tempered, but remember you will not be in great pain and you do not need a cigarette to steady your nerves. Just a little discomfort is the start of a healthier life, setting a good example, saving money, plus getting free from the mess, smell, inconvenience and slavery of the habit.
How to heal the damage from smoking
Lung Disorders
• 50g Horehound
• 50g Mallow
• 50g Plantain
• 50g Thyme
• 40g Liquorice root
• 40g Shepherd’s purse
• 30g Hawthorn
Directions: Infuse one heaped teaspoon of the above mixed herbs with one cup of boiling water for 3-5 minutes, strain and drink 2-4 cups throughout the day.
Regular inhalations would also be beneficial. To prepare a steam inhalation, place 25 g of dried camomile herbs into a bowl or saucepan. Pour 1 litre of boiling water over the herbs and add one tablespoon of Swedish Bitters. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel, close your eyes and inhale the steam for 20–30 minutes. This infusion can be used several times.
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