Why Are Herbal Teas Preferable?

Herbal medicine is the rightful medicine of all human beings. Caring for yourself and your family by using herbs is an empowering experience—it allows you to tap into the power of nature and take responsibility for your health and well-being.

Over the last thirty years at the ASOHM we’ve collected many rare, out-of-print books on herbs and their uses, discovering valuable recipes and ancient formulae that may otherwise have been forgotten. 

Herbal teas, the most ancient form of herbal medicine, are still popular today as they are  gentle and soothing on the stomach, as well as being economical. 

An image of herbs on spoons

For the following complaints, select the relevant recipe and prepare the herbs as a hot infusion (see below*):

Allergies, hayfever, immune system

• 50 g Elder flower

• 50 g Eyebright

• 50 g Fennel

Sip 2–3 cups throughout the day, adding 5 mL of echinacea extract (1000 mg) to each cup.


• 30 g Elder flower

• 30 g Eyebright 

• 20 g Golden rod

• 10 g Peppermint

• 10 g Thyme

Drink 2–3 cups daily, adding 5 mL of echinacea extract (1000 mg) to each cup.


• 50 g Camomile 

• 50 g Eyebright

Drink 2–3 cups daily. In addition, infuse 1 teaspoon of camomile with 1 cup of boiling milk and stand to cool. Using clean cotton wool, sponge eyes with the camomile infusion.

*Preparation of a hot infusion:

Place all the weighed herbs into a bowl, mix well and store in a sealed glass jar away from sunlight. 

Measure 1 heaped teaspoon of the mixed herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water over them. Cover the cup with a lid or saucer—this ensures that the volatile oils in many medicinal herbs don’t evaporate. Allow the mixture to steep for 3–5 minutes and strain before using.

An image of herbal tea

Find out more about the healing properties of herbal teas by enrolling in our Online Natural Medicine Course today!

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