by Maddy | May 20, 2022 | Allergies, ASOHM NEWS, Eyes, Immune system
Herbal medicine is the rightful medicine of all human beings. Caring for yourself and your family by using herbs is an empowering experience—it allows you to tap into the power of nature and take responsibility for your health and well-being. Over the last thirty...
by Hilde Hemmes | May 20, 2019 | Allergies, ASOHM NEWS, General Health, Skin disorders
Eczema can be a great nuisance and can cause considerable discomfort if the skin is scratched and becomes infected by bacteria. Childhood eczema is very common and often begins in infancy. There are many causes – contact dermatitis is common and is caused...
by Hilde Hemmes | Mar 14, 2019 | Allergies, ASOHM NEWS, Herbal Medicine, Uncategorized
If you suffer from migraines or are allergic to bees, you should seriously consider planting feverfew in your garden. More about the bees later, but migraine sufferers will be pleased to know feverfew is one of the few medicinal plants to have had the benefit of...
by Hilde Hemmes | Sep 6, 2017 | Allergies, Anti-cancer, Arthritic and rheumatic complaints, ASOHM NEWS, Blood pressure, Bood conditions, General Health, Herbal Medicine, Immune system, Intestinal Health
For thousands of years the humble onion has had a respected and often revered place in the diet of man. Sacred to the Egyptians, it often appears in the art of ancient India, China and Greece, but it probably originated in Central Asia. The onion’s unique properties...