Herbal Remedies to Reduce Gut Inflammation

A healthy digestive system is essential for overall well-being, as it plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption and immune function. When the gut becomes inflamed, it can lead to terrible discomfort. As a result, this could lead to some digestive issues...

A Valuable Remedy For Throat/Mouth Complaints

Sage or salvia officinalis, as it is scientifically called, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is a valuable remedy for throat/mouth problems, intestinal/digestion complaints and menopausal hot flushes, to name just a few. It is a native to...

Discover Medicinal Properties Of A Humble Vegetable

For thousands of years the humble onion has had a respected and often revered place in the diet of man. Sacred to the Egyptians, it often appears in the art of ancient India, China and Greece, but it probably originated in Central Asia. The onion’s unique properties...

Regulate Menstrual/Menopausal Problems

Yarrow has an important place in the history of herbs. It has two agents which promote blood coagulation, several which have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action, and others which are antiseptic. As well as healing internal and external wounds, yarrow counters...