Dandelion – Makes Health Wishes Come True

In herbal medicine, the principal function of Dandelion or Taraxacum officinale is to care for the liver and gallbladder, by promoting the formation of bile and removing excess water from the body in cases of severe water retention resulting from liver problems.

Dandelion is one of the best sources of potassium, vital to proper kidney function and muscle tone. It makes an ideally balanced diuretic that may be safely used with great frequency whenever such an action is needed. Fluid retention, due to heart problems can also be countered with Dandelion.

This herb contains several supportive substances such as choline which help cope with cholesterol distribution, making it useful as a slimming device and laxative. It also improves blood circulation and purifies the blood thereby assisting with conditions such as acne, eczema and itchy, scaly rashes. 

Dandelion is known by many different names. Most gardeners treat Dandelion as an annoying weed that gets in the way of prettier, more desirable plants. In a number of countries, Dandelion is called “lion’s tooth” due to the shape of it’s vicious-looking leaf; while the ball of seeds from which the plant propagates is responsible for the rather unflattering name of “swine’s snout”. Dandelion has also been given the more appropriate name of “blow ball”, which children all over the world use in a variety of games – from making wishes to telling the time, or even discovering how many boyfriends or girlfriends one has!

Long-established herbal practice has advocated the daily ingestion of fresh Dandelion as a “spring-cleaning” agent for the body, so don’t forget to add it to your salads, as it is rich in vitamins and it also cleanses, stimulates and assists the liver to do its job. 

The following mixture for Liver Disorders was taken from an old herbal book: 

  • 25g Agrimony
  • 25g Calendula
  • 25g Dandelion
  • 25g Peppermint
  • 25g Shepherd’s purse
  • 25g Wormwood

Directions: Place the above herbs in an airtight container, mix and shake well, and store the mixture in a dark place. Infuse one heaped tsp of herbs with one cup of boiling water for approximately three to five minutes and strain. Drink 3-4 cups throughout the day.

Find out more about the medicinal benefits of dandelion and other plants through enrolling in our Online Herbal Medicine Course today!

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