by Hilde Hemmes | Sep 28, 2021 | ASOHM NEWS, Depression, Herbal Medicine
Further to my previous blog titled SAFE Herbs for Mums & Bubs, the following is a selection of recipes and/or remedies for different issues that may arise, either before or after giving birth. Blood Building 50g Calendula50g Red clover50g ...
by Hilde Hemmes | May 24, 2021 | ASOHM NEWS, Depression, Endocrine System, Herbal Medicine
For thousands of years the Chinese have credited ginseng as the “king of the herbs”, believing it to be good for everything from sex problems to terminal diseases! Its botanical name Panax is derived from the Greek word panakos, a panacea, in reference to...
by Hilde Hemmes | Jun 24, 2019 | Anxiety, ASOHM NEWS, Blood pressure, Depression, General Health, Insomnia
Passionflower or Passiflora incarnata is a climbing vine that is native to the south-eastern United States. It consists of about 400 different species and many of these are highly prized for their showy, unusual flowers. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) The...
by Hilde Hemmes | Jun 11, 2019 | Anxiety, ASOHM NEWS, Depression, General Health, Insomnia, Pain
St John’s wort (also known as Hypericum) is a shrubby perennial wildflower which can be found growing in uncultivated dry gravelly soil, woods, hedges, meadows and on roadsides. Image: St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) There are many ancient...
by Hilde Hemmes | Mar 26, 2019 | ASOHM NEWS, Depression, General Health, Insomnia, Menstrual cycle
Balm mint is often called Melissa and Lemon balm—its botanical name is Melissa officinalis. In English, balm means healing and soothing, which also happens to be the attributes of the herb, according to extensive scientific research. Melissa is from the Greek...
by Hilde Hemmes | Jan 25, 2018 | Anxiety, ASOHM NEWS, Depression
The Hypericum plant, otherwise known as St John’s wort, is a perennial herb that has been used to treat nervous conditions since the times of ancient Greece. The hypericum plant contains a number of chemical compounds, some of which are known to be helpful in treating...