Beetroot Juice has Tumour-Inhibiting Capabilities
For 2000 years the beetroot has remained as the most valuable vegetable in the medicine chest.
After carrot juice, the juice from the beetroot must be the most used of all the root vegetables. It is also one of our most valuable, containing four vitamins, nine important minerals and over 200 different active elements, many of which are still to be researched.
It is an effective digestive regulator with wonderful nourishing and purifying qualities. There is unanimous agreement among natural health practitioners that the beetroot has fever-reducing, disinfectant, loosening and eliminative properties. It stimulates and strengthens the peristaltic activity of the bowels as well as the associated organs of the liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys.
Beetroot contains an active substance, betanin, the red pigment responsible for the rich red colour we find in this remarkable vegetable.
About Betanin
Betanin exhibits tumour-inhibiting capabilities and also has a general stimulant and resistance-enhancing action. It was in 1961 that the Hungarian medical practitioner and psychiatrist, Dr Sandor Ferenczi, published several essays referring to his work with cancer patients and the beneficial effect of betanin. Dr Ferenczi found success with beetroot juice therapy and patients suffering from leukaemia and other diseases of the blood.
Beetroot juice is traditionally known for its action in building up red corpuscles of the blood.
Although the iron content in the beetroot is not particularly high compared with some other vegetables, it is easily assimilated into the body as its amino acid content helps the chelation process.
Organic Juice for Menopause
as part of their diet as they enter this new phase of their lives. Just a glass or two mixed with carrot during the day can be of real help. Women entering menopause risk losing calcium from the bones. A mixture of organic beetroot and carrot juice will provide the calcium in an easily assimilated form, further enhanced by the sodium levels in beetroot which helps breakdown the calcium for use by the cells.
The high potassium and sodium content of the beetroot provides a good solvent for inorganic calcium deposits that have accumulated in the body. If left, it results in a thickening of the walls of the blood vessels and varicose veins, hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure.
Beetroot juice is recommended in cases of
- kidney and bladder disorder
- gallstones
- jaundice
- gout and lumbago
It is also very useful in the treatment of
- constipation
- skin infections
- anaemia
- nervous disorders
- suppressed menstruation.
The evidence suggests that beetroot juice is a most remarkable substance and its multiple beneficial effects are still to be explored. From the research carried out so far, together with the wonderful depth of medicinal history over the centuries, it would seem that drinking raw organic beetroot juice should be a mandatory treatment for anyone suffering from blood disorders such as leukaemia. It has also been used successfully as a treatment for skin cancers through the direct application of the juice onto the skin in a poultice.
Leukaemia is a feared, serious blood disease where the white blood cells multiply rapidly. The patient loses resistance and eventually dies. Dr S Schmidt, Bad Rothenfelde, Germany, once treated a patient with leukaemia when she came to him from Hamburg after doctors at other large clinics in Germany couldn’t help her anymore. Dr Schmidt gave his new patient a lot of beetroot. After a very short time blood test results showed a very pleasing blood count and her condition improved rapidly.
Rudolf Breuss and Beetroot Juice
The Austrian healer Rudolf Breuss also had very good results with leukaemia patients. In contrast to his Total Cancer Treatment, the leukaemia treatment isn’t a fasting therapy but combines his special juice with a diet that excludes animal protein.
Studies have shown that beetroot contains high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents that may help reduce the risk of some cancers.
A young woman with skin cancer was told to apply beetroot juice compresses to the affected areas. A piece of gauze was soaked with the juice and applied several times a day. After just four days the cancer had reduced in size and several weeks later it had disappeared altogether. It left no scar – instead new healthy skin had formed.
A young doctor in a clinic in Munich, Germany, suddenly started to have headaches. The headaches were different than others and it worried the young doctor a lot. His colleagues couldn’t explain the reason for his headaches either. Eventually a professor specialising in this field was shocked when he diagnosed a cherry-sized cancerous brain tumour. Surgery seemed inevitable but the young doctor was familiar with the risks involved. He sought immediate advice from his colleagues but they all knew an operation could be a death sentence. Coincidentally a newspaper article was given to the doctor reporting successful experiments with beetroot. Immediately he started with a beetroot treatment. His confidence in the beetroot was rewarded. Not only the headaches disappeared but the tumour too. During an examination two months later, the tumour couldn’t be found any more.
The active in the beetroot is choline. Scientists have found that choline can suppress the growth of cancerous cells.
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